Hello and welcome! Here is where you can find everything you need to know about helping Pencil2D for the 2019 Google Summer of Code program. If you are not familiar with the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program, it is a summer program that encourages students to get involved with open source development. Our approval for the program is still pending but we hope that it will bring new talent to our project and provide us with an opportunity to share our passion for open source software and animation with a new generation of programmers. You can find out more details about the program at http://g.co/gsoc.

Applying as a Student

If our organization application is accepted this year, students will have until April 9th to submit a proposal to us. You should read the student guide from Google first if you have not already. For details of the proposal, see our dedicated proposal page. Ideas for your proposal can be found on our ideas page. We look forward to hearing from you!