Thank you for your interest in Pencil2D! Pencil2D is a not-for-profit, community-driven free and open source project.
You can help improve Pencil2D, too!
Pencil2D is developed by passionate people on their spare time. If you like this software, and you want it to get better, you can help!
Share your work with the world
Upload your animations to social media, and say that your work was made with Pencil2D! It helps spread the word about our program and shows how it can be used. We love to sees all the wonderful things that people are creating with Pencil2D!
Report a bug
Reporting bugs is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve Pencil2D.
Please report the bug to Pencil2D Issue Tracker, a place where our developers organize tasks, bugs, and features. Don’t forget to describe the exact steps to reproduce so developers can work on it effectively.
Translate Pencil2D
Pencil2D has been translated into more than 10 languages by many volunteer translators from all over the world. Join us on Transifex to translate Pencil2D to your language or improve the existing translations!
Contributing code
Do you like programming? Pencil2D is developed in C++ using the Qt Framework. Get started with our developer documentation and start building and fixing bugs in just a few steps.
If you have any difficulties getting involved or finding answers to your questions, please bring those questions to our Discord server so that we can help you.